Paraecologists for the ‘Rights of Nature’

The ‘Paraecologist’ approach is built on engagement with local ‘champions’ to address the climate and biodiversity crises. Paraecologists are individuals with a passion for their local natural environment who are trained in research, biodiversity monitoring and the collection of vital ecological information for scientific or legislative purposes. This grassroots level of involvement has been shown to generate significant social and economic benefits, both for individuals and their communities, or conservation organisations.

Paraecologists play an important role in science and social change, as they can work with researchers to access difficult geographical areas or marginalised groups to incorporate local knowledge in addressing questions of sustainability. Paraecologists, embedded at the grassroots level, are best placed to disseminate scientific work to communities. Through our structured capacity building programs, paraecologists are trained to plan, coordinate and execute ecological, social and scientific investigations – with a focus on collecting information required to defend their territories through the law. Once empowered they also co-produce solutions to local actions that address global challenges we face – they are an integral part of the Transition mechanism to a harmonious interaction and respect for Nature.

The time is now to mainstream ‘paraecology’, engaging communities to understand their local ecosystems and generating information to better manage and protect our environment.


n. Definition:

A defender of the Rights of Nature.

‘Just as a paramedic is trained to deal with a health emergency, paraecologists are individuals trained to address the climate and biodiversity emergencies.’



Multiple SDG goals attained through co-development of solutions



Marginalised communities can take proactive actions



Effective SDG synergies in health for rainforest communities and conservation



‘Sustainability Hubs’ / ‘Observatories’ / ‘Ecological Health Centres’ – the future of disseminating alternative development approaches

Get Involved Today

Ecoforensic is a non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). Every penny we raise goes directly into our efforts towards improving access to forensic ecological data and defending the rights of Nature around the world.

If you’re a community organisation, protected area, an academic, legal institution or a specialist in ecology and interested in supporting the efforts of paraecologists for the ‘Rights of Nature’, or want to know how you can become one and start contributing data, click below to find out more.